
Beer on the Wye Paused For a Year

Saturday 30 November 2024

Herefordshire CAMRA, organisers of the popular Beer on the Wye festival, have announced the event will not be running in 2025. The annual riverside festival, that has taken place in a marquee at Hereford Rowing Club since 2005, was due to take place next July.

Mark Haslam, Chair of the festival’s organising committee and original creator of the festival, had this to say: “It is regrettable that this decision has had to be made, and I appreciate a lot of people are going to be disappointed: not just the many visitors who enjoy coming to the festival, but our small army of volunteers who work so hard to make it happen each year. However, it was difficult to see an alternative with so many changes and challenges that the festival currently faces. “Over the next few months a number of significant changes are to be made to our site as part of improving the facilities at the festival’s Rowing Club home. Whilst the organising committee are comfortable that these alterations will not prevent us from running the festival in the future, we can see great merit in waiting for the works to be completed. This will then allow us to organise with 100% certainty based on with what is actually ‘on the ground’. It is vital to minimise all risks to the event, particularly as it involves a considerable financial outlay to stage.   “More significant is the fact we need more people to step-up and get involved in planning and organising the event. It’s ironic that over 130 unpaid volunteers were recruited to work at the festival this past summer, but we do not have enough bodies on the organising committee to do all the necessary planning in the months beforehand. We have now arrived at a situation where we have too few people trying to do too many tasks. An appeal has now gone out to our members and past festival volunteers to persuade more of them to get involved, and it is hoped that this will bring the ‘new blood’ that is needed onto the organising committee. “With all these changes in the pipeline, it is also considered that now is the right time to undertake a thorough root and branch review of the festival. Such an exercise is long overdue, and to achieve this aim it is essential to stop the treadmill of monthly planning meetings, so as to provide the time and space for those on the organising committee to devote themselves to this important process.”

It is anticipated that Beer on the Wye will return in July 2026.